About Alchemy By Love

Our Mission

The eradication of sexual abuse energy and gender-based violence from the planet within two generations. We are the f/embodied revolutionary luminaries

Our mission is to eradicate sexual abuse energy and gender-based violence from the planet within two generations. As f/embodied revolutionary luminaries, we believe in creating a world of safety, respect, and justice for all. Through advocacy and education initiatives, we strive to provide resources and support for those who have experienced trauma, as well as to raise awareness about the root causes of gender-based violence and its systemic impact on our society. We are committed to challenging existing power structures that perpetuate this abuse and working together towards a more equitable future.

Our Vision

Our vision is for all fem/me bodies to feel safe, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.

We aim to empower a world where we have the capacity and resources to demonstrate acts of love and kindness. Through authentic and collaborative feminine leadership, we strive to create power-with systems that promote holistic healing and harmony between humans and our planet. We are dedicated to creating a future in which all bodies thrive without fear of violence or oppression.

Over the Next Two Years…

By 2025, our non-profit organization is committed to allocating a minimum 10 million dollar annual budget towards the eradication of sexual abuse energy from the planet within two generations.

We offer retreats and train-the-trainer programs in Self-Love Ceremonials, Embodied Women Leading, and Breathwork providing guidance and insight on how to create safe and respectful spaces for fem/me bodies.

Furthermore, we are developing a Transformation Sabbatical program for single mothers – which will provide them with the resources needed to heal from physical, mental and emotional traumas from CPTSD.

This program includes financial assistance for housing, childcare, food and utilities while providing embodiment resources along with necessary support containers.

We at Alchemy by Love firmly believe that when a fem/me is filled with self-love it creates an environment where love is abundant. An environment where sexual abuse energy can no longer exist; a place of healing and harmony where our daughters and sons can grow up free from fear or oppression and the threat of violence.

We are dedicated to creating this future – a world of safety, respect, justice, unity, compassion and joy – in which every fem/me body feels safe enough to grow and thrive to their fullest potential.