Category: Self-Love

Recognizing the Signs of a High-Control Online Coaching Group (Cult)

As we move closer to ending gender-based violence in two generations, an often overlooked aspect is the presence of misogyny. Many leaders, subtly or overtly, thrive on patriarchal norms and gender-based power dynamics, perpetuating harmful attitudes and behaviors toward women. Our culture has been steeped in patriarchal values for centuries. This long-standing practice has led…
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Love Yourself-More!

We are thrilled to invite you to a transformative journey like no other – Love Yourself More! A 31-day experience designed to guide you towards the beauty of somatic self-love – the feeling of love alive in your body. Feeling love for yourself alive in your body means experiencing and embodying self-love on a deep,…
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10 Ways to Support Women in an Unsafe Relationships or Environments

When someone you know is in an unsafe relationship or environment, it can be heart-wrenching. You might feel helpless, but there are several ways you can provide help and support. Here are ten steps, based on best practices and research, you can take if you suspect a woman you know is facing such a situation.…
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Ending Gender Based Violence – especially Childhood Sexual Abuse – in Two Generations

In a world marred by gender-based violence, particularly the harrowing issue of childhood sexual abuse, it is imperative to promote and practice holistic approaches that facilitate healing and create a foundation for a violence-free future. One promising modality is the transformative power of somatic self-love. By integrating somatic practices with self-love, we can address the…
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Transparency, Equity and Empowerment

By establishing Alchemy By Love as a nonprofit, we solidify our commitment to our mission, prioritize accessibility, leverage financial support, uphold accountability, and create opportunities for collaboration. This structure empowers us to focus on the transformative work of promoting somatic self-love and building an economic ecosystem rooted in transparency, equity, and empowerment. Together, as a…
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Belong the Shadow: Shame

Shame. Everyone has it. No-one wants to talk about it. But the less we talk about it, the more we have of it. Brené Brown Although shame is an adaptive emotion that prevents people from acting out of pure self-interest, shame can become maladaptive when there are repeated breaches in trust and safety in interpersonal…
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Somatic Self-Love

When we are in touch with our bodies, we are more likely to listen to what they have to say. Self-Love Through Somatics The term “somatic” refers to the body as a whole – tissues, muscle, sensations, emotions, feelings – our soma. And “self-love” refers to, well, love for oneself. So what does somatic self-love…
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We Become the Mother/Mater/Matter

As we journey with somatic self-love – the embodiment of love, our bodies can become the Mother/our Mother. The trapped energy of mis-attunements, of developmental abuse and lineage trauma create behavior loops in our nervous systems that no longer serve us as adults, but have trained our bodies to believe it is the way to…
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Covering and Self-Love

In his work Covering: The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights, legal scholar Kenji Yoshino describes covering as any activity used “to tone down a disfavored identity to fit into the mainstream.” Hi, my name is Daniella Matutes and I am a recovering cover. In order to survive my childhood, I developed many strategies and…
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The Double Bind of Belonging in the Patriarchy

So many of us sacrifice our self-worth and well-being to ‘belong’ in a culture that teaches femmes that our worth is based on our output, serving others and looking sexy (among others). We spend large parts of our life grasping for love and belonging from parents, teachers, men, partners, friends, employers, and clients. Striving to…
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