Category: CPTSD

The Double Bind of Belonging in the Patriarchy

So many of us sacrifice our self-worth and well-being to ‘belong’ in a culture that teaches femmes that our worth is based on our output, serving others and looking sexy (among others). We spend large parts of our life grasping for love and belonging from parents, teachers, men, partners, friends, employers, and clients. Striving to…
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Self-Love Breaks the Curse of Inherited Trauma

Self-love can feel dangerous, selfish, vain and even terrorizing if you’ve grown up in an abusive environment. Caregivers may have spent an excessive amount of time negatively focused on us, using our so-called ‘flaws’ as an excuse for the abuse. Or punished us as we asserted boundaries, teaching us that self-love is dangerous. We may…
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