The Divine Alive in Our Bodies

The Divine Alive in Our Bodies

We practice rituals that provide the felt sense of the divine, alive in the body.

This starts with feeling pleasure.

Cultivating a foundation of safety that allows our bodies to relax.

To get curious; feel compassion and calm, clarity, courage, connectedness, confidence and creative.

This provides our bodies with the felt sense of our true essence – the Divine alive in our human body.

Sacred Self Pleasure brings us into our beautiful bodies in a way that we can titrate, pendulate and even prescribe.

Now we have a feedback loop in our viscera that lets our nervous system know that it is safe to feel pleasure. To be open. To give and receive love.

From here, our capacity to access and experience pleasurable things also makes us feel empowered to enjoy life simply because of who we are—in body and mind—independent of anyone else’s actions or opinions.

And now that we feel safe and open to experiencing pleasure, we learn what it feels like to love ourselves.

It’s never too late to learn how to love ourselves, to start the practice of self-love. We can learn how to do this at any point in our lives. And create a new foundation in our nervous systems where it feels safe to give and receive love.