Learning How To Love Ourselves Starts Before Words

Learning How To Love Ourselves Starts Before Words

Learning how to love ourselves is transgenerational and transmitted to us before we learn to talk.

Before we have the ability to “regulate” our own nervous systems.

Essentially, from inside the womb until about age 5, we learn to love ourselves through the transmissions of our caregiver’s nervous systems.

They literally send us their own patterns of self-love into our bodies without saying a thing.

How we attune, give and receive love with our caregivers through voice tone, facial expressions, body language and a type of intuition are our earliest lessons in self-love.

The pattern of how we love ourselves is communicated to our bodies in nonverbal ways before our brain can interpret logically what is being communicated.

Feelings, sensations and emotions that come up around self-love that we feel confused or curious about could be these preverbal, lineage spells/patterns that have been in our family line for generations.

They could also be from environmental trauma/systemic oppression or cultural programming that goes back 1000s of years.

This is one reason why a combined bottom-up and top-down approach to cultivating self-love is so powerful.

We provide education for the rational thinking part of ourselves by engaging the brain centers in the neocortex to provide regulating, conscious, thought-based tools.

Additionally, bottom-up interventions which engage the limbic system and brain stem to access emotional and sensory components of these learned/transmitted patterns of self-love.

I am excited to share these learnings and tools in a practice space called Self-Love Ceremonials.

It’s never too late to start the practice of self-love. We can learn how to love ourselves at any point in our lives. And create a new foundation in our nervous systems where it feels safe to give and receive love to ourselves and others.

For more information on Self-Love Ceremonials go here.